30 March 2011

Spring Cleaning leads to Recycling

So, we all know times are tight, and people are struggling with financial junk right now.  However, I refuse to let that get me down, or stop my creativity.  Yesterday, the sun was shinning, the weather was fantastically warm, and it actually FELT like Spring.  Which meant only one thing to me...SPRING CLEANING!!!  Yep, it is that time of year to go through all my craft supplies, clothes, shoes, and misc. junk and, get rid of stuff.  I filled 3 bags to throw away, and 2 bags for Donation. 

A few months ago, my sister had meantioned wanting to do some crafting, but couldnt really afford the fabric to do so.  I meantioned that she has TONS of fabric laying around her house being un-used.  Go through old clothes, blankets, sheets, curtains, towels (well not really towels so much)--and see what fabric is truely something you would love to see repurposed.  She quickly started cutting up old dresses, and shirts.  So, last night I decided to thumb through my "donation" bags once more, and see if there was anything I could use to make some new flowers and headbands.  JACKPOT!!!  Tons of cute fabric, soft fabric, denim, lace, jersey, sheers....the possibilies were endless.  I quickly got busy making some new creations from my findings.  Check out what I made, and let me know what you think.  (photos taken with my cell phone, so please excuse the quality)

A teal jersey knit t-shirt, makes a great fluffy fabric flower.

An old clearance Target Tshirt, makes a dark gardenia like flower

An adorable gauzy Anthropologie skirt (with a sad little stain), makes a fantastic ruffly rosette.

Lack of money in the pockets, WONT stop me from crafting. :)

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