17 April 2010

My Bestest is AMAZING!!

One week ago, today, I was in Fort Worth, TX.  I had the oportunity to see a major milestone in my best friends life.  She was about to begin her FIRST solo art show.  When I walked in the gallery, I was amazed, and proud.  Her work was the best I had ever seen her do.  Its crazy to see someone you have known almost your whole life, express her inner-most feelings on a giant canvas, and put them on display for everyone to see and enjoy.  When she began to speak, it almost brought tears to my eyes.  She is truely AMAZING, and I cant wait to see all that is coming for her. 


Love you Girlie!!

14 April 2010

The Etsy Shop is finally up and running!!!!

So after a lot of editing (which is still not completely done), my etsy shop is finally off the ground. I am so excited to share these goodies with you all, so please stop by the shop and check 'em all out.  This is such a labor of love for me, and if you notice, each piece is named after those that inspire me.  Enjoy!!